Worried about frozen pipes and all the subsequent problems that they can cause? Frozen pipes can lead to flooding, structural damage, and mold—all of which can be quite expensive to repair. Every year, hundreds of thousands of American homeowners face problems related to frozen pipes. if you’re one of those homeowners, you know how frustrating and costly repairs can be. That’s why, when it comes to frozen pipes, it’s best to take preventive measures rather than trying to deal with expensive cleanup.

What Causes Frozen Pipes?

In short, pipes freeze when your plumbing system isn’t properly insulated from the cold. Even the tiniest of weaknesses in your insulation can be enough to allow for frozen pipes.

Remember, frozen pipes aren’t just a concern to those in the colder northern climates—frozen pipes are a threat in any area that experiences even brief cold spells. In fact, frozen pipes are often a larger problem in areas with moderate climates, since homes in those areas often aren’t built with cold temperatures in mind.

How to Prevent Frozen Pipes

Begin protecting your home even before the cold weather starts by doing the following:

  • Find any leaks in your insulation system and seal them. Remember, even the tiniest of leaks can be enough to allow the cold air in.
  • Use heat tape along vulnerable pipes, particularly those in areas of your home that aren’t heated (including pipes that run along outside walls, in attics, or under sinks.)
  • Disconnect any garden hoses before the winter starts, and, if possible, turn off the water to outside faucets.

Furthermore, when you are expecting cold weather in the immediate future:

  • Leave your faucets—particularly those along an outside wall—on a slow drip throughout the night. Pipes often freeze at night, because that’s when temperatures are the lowest and when water usage drops to a minimum.
  • Keep your thermostat at warm temperatures day and night. Regardless of what the temperature is when you go to bed, keep it on throughout the night.

Be prepared

Winter weather can range from mild to very cold, so it’s best to prepare ahead of time. At Heat Trace Specialists, we know that having frozen pipes can be very stressful—so prevent frozen pipes in your home or business by contacting the experts at (877) 244-1055.

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