
The SnoFree™ Heated Rib system is to be used on standing seam roofing. The SFP-RIB easily attaches to each rib to create an open channel for flowing water to easily continue off the roof. With the cable completely protected with the  SFP-RIB system, the possibility of ice damage or slides pulling the cable off the roof is greatly reduced.  Combine the SFP-RIB system with an engineered snow retention system for added protection against slides. The SFP-RIB keeps the aesthetically pleasing look of the original standing seam roof any ice dams that could form.  All SFP systems come standard with a durable 30-year Kynar finish to match most desired looks.

This diagram shows how the SFP-RIB SnoFree™ Heated Rib system is designed.

  • Beautifully heats your standing seam metal roof eaves
  • Simple to access
  • Attractive and completely hides the wiring along the rib
  • Simple to Install
  • Built to match standing seam roof color
  • Available for all types of Standing Seam roofing
  • Available in Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Cold Roll, etc.


  • For all buildings with a pitch greater than 1/12
  • For new roof installations:

    • Standing Seam Metal

  • For installation on existing roofs:

    • Standing Seam Metal


An example of the SnoFree™ Heated Rib system installed on a standing seam metal roof.      An example of the SnoFree™ Heated Rib system installed on a standing seam metal roof.

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